Saudi Alyoom

Russia issues decision on granting citizenship to children of mixed marriages


The Russian Foreign Minister revealed that his country is going to legislate a law to automatically grant children of mixed marriages (between Russians and foreigners) Russian citizenship.

Speaking to the participants in the International Conference in Support of Russians Living Abroad, Sergey Lavrov said:

“One of the steps we want to achieve concerns the citizenship of children of mixed marriages. We are convinced that children of mixed marriages, wherever they are born and live, whether in Russia or abroad, should automatically acquire Russian citizenship in accordance with the constitution.”

A few days ago, an official in the Russian Interior Ministry stated that the number of foreigners who have applied for Russian citizenship since the beginning of 2021 has exceeded 500,000 people.

The demand for Russian citizenship reached its peak so far in 2010, when about 500,000 foreigners gained Russian citizenship.

More than 500,000 foreigners have applied for Russian citizenship since the beginning of 2021 until now. It is expected that the Russian Ministry of Interior will receive more applications before the end of the year.

Valentina Kazakova, head of the Migration Service of the Ministry of the Interior, revealed to

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