Saudi Alyoom

American man sues ‘divinist’ for ‘cursing his ex-girlfriend’


An American man has sued a “clairvoyant”, claiming she “could remove a curse placed on his marriage by a witch hired by his ex-girlfriend.”
Mauro Restrepo claimed that the fortune-teller promised him that he would “be happy again if he paid her $5,100 to cast the spell”.

While Restrepo sued after he “gave the fortune-teller $1,000 at first, but that didn’t help in any way to improve his marriage,” he is now suing the fortune-teller for “fraud” and is seeking $25,000 in damages.

Mauro Restrepo noted that he “looked for Sophia Adams, who described herself as a ‘love psychiatrist’, to help improve his situation during the period of discontent.”

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