Saudi Alyoom

Turkey, Egypt continue rapprochement talks amid loaded regional agenda


The rapprochement process between Ankara and Cairo has continued with a second round of high-level consultations on Sept. 7-8 in the Turkish capital.

The meeting focused on bilateral and regional issues such as the developments in Libya, Syria, Palestine and the eastern Mediterranean.

“The two sides agreed to continue these consultations confirming their desire to make progress in areas under discussion and the need for further steps to facilitate normalization of their relations,” a joint statement noted, as the two countries focus on issues of mutual benefit.

Although their diplomatic relations have been downgraded since 2013, in early May, Egypt invited senior Turkish officials to Cairo to find ways of improving ties.

The visit was quickly followed by a statement from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on May 7 announcing the beginning of a new phase in relations with Egypt.

In March, Turkey asked Egyptian opposition channels based in Istanbul, including Muslim Brotherhood broadcasters, to soften their criticism of Egypt. Later in June, the channels were banned.

Brotherhood figures involved in the murder of former Egyptian Attorney General Hisham Barakat have also been allegedly put under house arrest in Turkey. However, this claim made by Tariq Abu Al-Saad, a leader who defected from the Brotherhood, has been denied by the group members.

Analysts say that Turkey’s latest contact with Cairo is a very positive development for regional and international stability.

According to Samuel Ramani, a tutor of politics and international relations at the University of Oxford, it plays a critical role in easing tensions in the eastern Mediterranean, even as tensions continue to flare between Turkey and Greece over Cyprus and maritime boundaries.

“It could also constrain the scope of potential tensions in Libya, if the December 2021 elections are delayed as many expect, and may allow Ankara to try its hand at mediation in the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam dispute,” he told Arab News.

Egypt has asked Turkey to take more concrete steps for a rapprochement even before the expected appointment of ambassadors — their diplomatic representation has been at the level of chargé d’affaires since 2013.

“The simultaneous improvement of relations between Qatar and Egypt complements and adds a further layer to this rapprochement,” Ramani said.

In a recent interview with Turkish broadcaster NTV Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu announced that the Turkish and Egyptian authorities would take the necessary mutual steps to appoint ambassadors if it were agreed at the meetings.

“There is no lasting friendship or enmity in international relations,” Cavusoglu also said.

Aydin Sezer, an analyst on regional politics, said Ankara has taken a U-turn in its foreign policy choices.

“But the critical area where the normalization will be tested is Libya, which is heading toward the elections on Dec. 24. Egypt anticipates the withdrawal from Libya of all troops linked with Turkey. Reaching full normalization means the appointment of ambassadors. Dialogue should continue until they reach a point of mutual trust,” he said.

Another prerequisite for the normalization of bilateral ties is a decrease in Turkey’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood, which Cairo considers a terrorist organization. Egypt also expects Turkey to extradite 15 Brotherhood leaders who were convicted of terror crimes.

The issues of natural gas reserves and a maritime deal between Turkey and Egypt in the eastern Mediterranean, similar to the agreement signed between Turkey and Libya’s Government of National Accord two years ago, are also on the agenda. The deal pushed Cairo to sign an alternative maritime deal with Greece in 2020 to demarcate maritime boundaries.

“They (Egypt) will make more gains if they strike an agreement with us,” Cavusoglu said.

Egypt’s maritime zone deal with Greece recognizes some Turkish claims in the region, which was considered by Turkey as an admission of Turkish sovereignty rights in the Aegean and Mediterranean seas.

“While the risk of a major military escalation has been defused and diplomacy between Egypt and Turkey on regional issues can proceed in a normal fashion, the legacy of eight years of hostility won’t be wiped out overnight and could still restrict the bilateral relationship,” Ramani said.

For that purpose, Turkey is proposing a summit of eastern Mediterranean nations to restore ties and act together on shared interest areas by de-escalating rivalries.

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