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Barbra Streisand retracts praise for A Star is Born


A Star is Born lacked “originality” according to actress and singer Barbra Streisand.

Featuring a powerhouse pair in Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga, their 2018 remake of Streisand’s 1976 interpretation proved a gigantic success at the box office and garnered eight nominations at the Oscars (winning one).

a man and a woman standing on a stage: Lady Gaga in A Star Is Born production image

Despite previously labelling it “very, very good”, Streisand has now re-evaluated the movie.

“At first, when I heard it was going to be done again, it was supposed to be Will Smith and Beyoncé, and I thought, that’s interesting,” she said during a recent episode of Australia’s The Sunday Project.

“Really make it different again, different kind of music, integrated actors, I thought that was a great idea. So, I was surprised when I saw how alike it was to the version that I did in 1976.”

Describing director and actor Cooper’s vision as “the wrong idea”, the American icon did however admit that she “can’t argue with success”.

But still, her true feelings were really made clear with this finishing touch: “I don’t care so much about success as I do originality.”

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