Saudi Alyoom

Amy Coney Barrett nominated to Supreme Court: Celebrities react


In the wake of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, President Donald Trump nominated federal appellate judge and Notre Dame law professor Judge Amy Coney Barrett to fill the vacancy on Saturday, Sept. 26. Deemed a conservative favorite, Barrett counts the late Justice Antonin Scalia as her mentor and leans to the right on most if not all issues, including the Affordable Care Act, immigration and abortion. If confirmed, the devout Catholic mother of seven would become the sixth conservative justice on the high court. Trump’s nomination plans stirred controversy even before he selected Barrett, though, as election litigation already in the works regarding mail-in ballots amid the pandemic suggests the SCOTUS could be involved in deciding the outcome in November. And because in 2016, a Republican-controlled Senate blocked President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, claiming it was too close to the election, which was nearly nine months away. Trump’s nomination comes just 38 days before Nov. 3, making it the closest Supreme Court nomination to a presidential election in history, according to multiple outlets. Keep reading to see what celebs and other politicians are saying on social media about the announcement …

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