Saudi Alyoom

3 ways to quickly remove spots from the face


Facial spots of all kinds cause embarrassment to some people, especially those who are preparing to hold or attend social events.

Although spots form quickly and fade slowly, there are 3 ways to remove spots and get rid of them in a short time, as confirmed by the surgeon, plastic surgeon and international lecturer, Dr. Junkel Shantry, for the British Express website.
Chantry says there are different types of spots, including blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, cysts, acne, etc.

She adds that it is difficult if these spots disappear from the face overnight, revealing at the same time the 3 fastest ways to get rid of them.

1. Theraclear

We are talking about a new technology, a machine that represents a revolution in the treatment of facial spots, through a specific type of light that reduces bacteria and removes acne quickly.

This phototherapy machine is definitely not something you can buy yourself, but rather it is found in clinics, according to Shantri, who said that this machine is pure magic and is the fastest way to remove pimples.

2. Benzoyl peroxide

It is an organic compound that is effective in killing acne-causing bacteria and, according to Chantry, is an excellent choice if you need a quick fix at home.

3. Salicylic acid

Another option for an at-home treatment is salicylic acid, which as a toner (a light liquid that reduces oily skin, revitalizes the texture and unclogs enlarged pores) or as a serum, can speed up acne breakouts.

How to prevent spots

Chantri says we shouldn’t just rely on treatments to get rid of spots, we should follow a specific regimen to prevent them from coming back.

In this regard, she adds, a regimen that treats and protects the skin should include: cleanser, toner, antioxidant serum, exfoliation, sunscreen, and vitamin A derivatives such as retinol or retinoic acid.

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