Saudi Alyoom

The United Nations warns of an imminent “pandemic” for which there is no vaccine


A United Nations report said that a global, latent and systemic problem such as drought may turn into the next epidemic, if different countries do not take urgent measures to solve the climate emergency situation.

According to the data of the report, which was published on the organization’s website, at least one and a half billion people were affected by drought in the twenty-first century, and the economic damage as a result is estimated at about 124 billion dollars.

“In the next few years, a large part of the world will experience water scarcity, and demand will increase supply,” said Mami Mizutori, Special Representative of the Secretary-General at the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.

She explained that many people think, that drought affects only the desert regions of Africa, but in fact it is now widespread, and by the end of the century, almost all countries will suffer from it in one way or another. The problem is exacerbated by the growing population of the Earth.

The report notes that, changes in precipitation as a result of climate change are the main factor for drought, but inefficient use of water and land degradation from intensive agricultural activities also play an important role.

In this regard, Mizutori called on the world’s governments to reform the methods of water extraction, storage and use, and improve land management.

Source:  Novosti

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