Saudi Alyoom

Germany.. Arrest of an elderly man who stored Nazi-era weapons in his home


German security forces arrested an 84-year-old man, and the court charged him with storing heavy weapons dating back to the Nazi era, which he kept in a warehouse under his villa in the north of the German city of Kiel.

According to the German News Agency, among the military equipment from World War II that the man is storing, there is a tank, an anti-aircraft gun and a torpedo.

Prosecutors charged the man, who has not been identified, under Germany’s strict data protection laws, with possessing 5-cm mortars and assault rifles. The collection also included semi-automatic and fully-automatic pistols, and more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition.

The accused said he bought the tank in Britain as scrap metal, but the prosecution says these stored weapons are serviceable. If proven true, it means that the accused violated the War Weapons Control Act and other crimes related to weapons possession.

Source: “DBA”

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