Saudi Alyoom

Is it a panacea? … A study reveals the truth about the myths of stem cell therapy


Opinions diverge on stem cell treatment for some chronic diseases, and regenerative medicine disproves some common myths with this treatment and supports its views with scientifically proven facts.

Treatment protocols change to accommodate disease developments and changes, according to the opinion of “Only My Health”, especially (aging) diseases such as arthritis, diabetes and Alzheimer’s that are now observed in younger individuals, as individuals with 0 begin to take lifelong medications and undergo surgeries early. This has necessitated the development of newer and more effective strategies, such as regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy, that can provide long-term solutions to patients.
The source of stem cells is one of the main controversies, as it is believed that stem cells derived from the fetus are used for treatment, but the majority of researchers focus on cell-based auto-therapies, which means that the cells are derived from the patient’s own body and without any significant risks because the common sources of stem cells are Bone marrow, adipose tissue, and umbilical cord.

Studies have shown that in some hereditary cases such as sickle cell anemia, the stem cells of the patient’s body retain their functions, as they are an integral part of the body, and their availability in the right amount and in the right location helps the focus of natural healing.

Doctors have worked to prove that the cells in our bodies are in a constant state of renewal. Once injected, stem cells tend to enhance the functions of other cells as well as launch their inherent functions. Therefore, when stem cells differentiate and age, a series of therapeutic events has already begun, which helps in Renovation and repair processes continue.

The idea that “stem cells treat a small number of diseases due to their limited capabilities” is a misconception as their anti-inflammatory, immune-modifying and blood-supplying properties, as well as their ability to differentiate into the required type of cells and regenerate damaged tissues, make them capable of treating sports injuries and arthritis. Wounds and autoimmune diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and type 1 diabetes.

It was also proven that stem cells help in the regeneration and repair of nerve cells and brain components, and opened new ways of cancer immunotherapy that overcame the disadvantages of traditional chemotherapy and radiation.

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