Saudi Alyoom

Because of its support for Hamas … Republicans are calling for Biden to cancel the nuclear talks with Iran


43 Republican members of the Senate called on US President Joe Biden to cancel the nuclear talks with Iran because of Tehran’s “funding” for “Hamas”, which is classified as a terrorist organization by Washington.
According to newsweek, a group of US senators led by Senator Marco Rubio made their request in a letter addressed to Biden, stating: “During the past two days, Palestinian terrorists in Gaza, funded by Iran, launched a series of missile attacks targeting civilians. And Israeli cities, including Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. ”

And they considered that “this is a matter of concern because the members of your administration are currently in Vienna to negotiate with Iran, the state sponsor of terrorism in the world.” Hamas and other terrorist organizations attacking the Americans and our allies. ”

And they went to Biden, saying: “We call on you to end the talks immediately with Iran, and make clear that the sanctions will not be eased.”

Source: newsweek

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