Saudi Alyoom

Amazon launches satellites with Russian engines


Amazon has entered into an agreement with the “United Launch Coalition” company, to launch “Kuiper” satellites with the aim of providing lunar connectivity to the Internet.

The satellites are expected to launch nine “Atlas” carrier missiles. It is noted that Amazon did not choose the “Falcon-9” missiles of “SpaceX”.

The “Race Technica” website, which specializes in technological news, stated that the reason behind Amazon’s choice of Atlas missiles is that the “Starlink” satellites promoted by “SpaceX” are potential competitors to the “Kuiper” satellites.

According to the site, the “Unified Launch Coalition” company has a sufficient number of “Atlas V” missiles that are powered by Russian “RD-180” engines, which will end their service in the next few years.

The Russian “Roskosmos” agency reported that the Russian “Energomash” Research and Production Association had delivered the last six “RD-180” engines to the American side.

Amazon’s investment in the Kuiper project, which employs more than 500 people, is $ 10 billion. It is planned to launch 3,236 satellites into low Earth orbit as part of the project. By July 2026, at least half of the specified number of spacecraft should be in space.

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