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Peskov: The Kremlin does not interfere in choosing a singer to represent Russia in “Eurovision”


Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin does not consider it a concern about who will represent Russia in the “Eurovision” music competition.

He noted that the competition is represented by various creative images. The Kremlin does not consider it possible to comment on or interfere with this.

In response to a question directed to him, whether the Kremlin is aware of the singer Manega’s creativity and what she will present in the “Eurovision” competition, he said: What is meant is the matter of the works of artistic performances that, as you know, show different pictures. For example there is a bearded woman, singers, and singers in chicken costumes, etc. This is why we do not consider all of this to be our concern and attention. ”
He added, “As we know, the viewers have the choice. TV Channel 1 took over this matter. Therefore, we do not consider it possible to comment on that and interfere with it.”

Source: TASS

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