Saudi Alyoom

Scarlett Johansson comments on her political views and making her career “stirring up controversy”


American actress, Scarlett Johansson said that her personal beliefs should not conflict with her acting career, asserting that she has never sought to become a politician.

And Johansson, 36, continued in an interview with the British magazine “The Gentle Woman”: “I do not think that actors have obligations to have a public role in society,” and she considered or put people expectations on actors who do not wish to become politicians with “unfairness.” .

And she added that she always said to herself: “You were not chosen to be a politician, you are an actress.”

Scarlett Johansson stressed that her job as an actress is to “reflect” life experiences and “be a mirror” for the audience to “have an emotional experience through art,” she says.

And she emphasized that she feels the greatest success in her work when she communicates with the audience and makes them “feel a feeling.”

“Viewers get emotional reactions from the acting profession, whether good, bad or uncomfortable. This is my job, but otherwise this is not my job,” she added.

The American actress also admitted to “Gentle Woman” magazine that she made her career in Hollywood “provoking controversy”, and despite that, she said that she would continue to give her views on many issues and matters due to the nature of her personality.

It is noteworthy that Scarlett Johansson has faced violent reactions several times in recent years because of her roles on the screen, including the movie “Ghost in the Shell” in 2017, in which she was accused of bleaching the main character that she embodies in its events, because she is in fact Asian.

Her decision in 2018 to accept the role of a transgender man in the movie “Rub & Tug” also sparked a strong reaction from people who said it was insensitive for a woman to play this role, and then decided to apologize for not presenting the role, and she said in a statement that she “misbehaved.” “With the situation.

But Johansson returned in 2019 to state that “she should be allowed to play any person or any tree or any animal”, which revived the controversy surrounding her role in the movie “Rub & Tug”.

On the other hand, the “Walt Disney Company”, last Tuesday, postponed the release of Scarlett Johansson’s latest movie, “Black Widow”, until next July, and said that it will display it simultaneously in movie theaters as well as on the digital platform Tizny Plus, according to the agency. Reuters “.

In the Marvel comic strip, Johansson plays the role of Russian agent Natasha Romanov, who is part of the Avengers superhero team.

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