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Kanye West misses ballot deadline in Wisconsin


Kanye West’s so-called “Birthday Party” ticket won’t be too festive in Wisconsin.a close up of Kanye West

Over the weekend, TMZ reported the rapper, designer and presidential hopeful will not make it onto the ballot for the election there on Nov. 3 because he missed the 5 p.m. deadline in filing his nomination documents last month — by 14 seconds.

Circuit court magistrate Judge John Zakowski reportedly ruled: “The court believes at the time a grandfather clock rings out five times is the moment it is 5 p.m. Any time after that is precisely that: after 5 p.m.”

He went on to write: “The court used the analogy of midnight. There is significant difference between 11:59:59 p.m. and one second after midnight. The passage of a second after midnight confers an entirely new day.”

TMZ points out Kanye could still appeal the decision — and he might have a chance in doing so.

The outlet points out, “a majority of … justices” on the Wisconsin Supreme Court “lean conservative.”

Given ‘Ye’s pro-Christianity, anti-abortion position, his well-known affection for Donald Trump and the fact he’s rumored to be running just to draw votes away from Joe Biden, it’s reasonable a conservative court might consider allowing him on the ballot in spite of his 14-second tardiness.Donald Trump wearing a suit and tie: Donald Trump, Kanye West

Kanye’s successfully gotten on the ballot in states including Iowa, Arkansas, Colorado, Oklahoma,Vermont and Mississippi.

Asked recently if his campaign, which appears to be getting some help from top GOP brass, was simply a move to hurt the Democratic nominee’s chances, ‘Ye told Forbes, “I’m not going to argue with you. Jesus is King.”

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