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Macron calls for cooperation with Russia and China to “accelerate the global war on Corona”


French President Emmanuel Macron has expressed confidence in the importance of cooperation with Russia and China in a way that serves to supplement their vaccines in the campaign to combat the Corona pandemic around the world.

The French newspaper “De Dimanche” quoted Macron as saying: “We must work with the Russians and the Chinese to ensure that the vaccines developed by the scientists of the two countries are included in an important multilateral effort to combat the epidemic after their vaccines have passed the necessary World Health Organization certification.”

He added, “I am confident that the global war against the virus will only be won with greater international cooperation.”

He continued: “We are now combating options, and it is a real race against time … Without rapid, effective and collective international action, we risk losing control of the virus.”

Last August, the Russian Ministry of Health registered the world’s first vaccine to prevent “Covid-19”, developed by Gamalia Center and produced in cooperation with the Russian Direct Investment Fund.

Last February, the international scientific journal “Lancet” published the results of the third phase of clinical trials of the “Sputnik V” vaccine, where experts found that its effectiveness is very high and reaches more than 91%.

According to the experimental results, the effectiveness of “Sputnik V” exceeds 98% in terms of the humoral immune response, while it approaches 100% in terms of cellular immunity.

Source: “Sputnik” + “Novosti”

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