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British star announces that she is giving up striptease and pornographic scenes in front of male directors!


British actress Keira Knightley said that she is no longer interested in making sexual scenes and nudity just to attract men, and she justified her decision not to be naked by saying that she has become a mother of two children.

Knightley, 35, explained, in a radio interview, that she does not mind nudity scenes at all, but she does not feel comfortable when the director is a man, adding that “it is partly about pride, in addition to male stare.”

The British star revealed that she stipulated in her contracts that her films not include scenes of nudity since she became a mother in 2015. She pointed out that she preferred to cooperate with a female director in works that focus on female experiences, such as motherhood and acceptance of the body.

She said, “Some sexual scenes are good in the context of the film, and you need to photograph a woman who looks sexy. In this case, you can search for an actress other than me, for I have my pride, and I have had two children so far, and I prefer not to stand naked in front of a group of men.”

Knightley gave birth to daughter Eddie in 2015 and Delilah in 2019, with her husband, musician James Rayton.

It should be noted that sexual scenes have been filmed in recent years, particularly since the launch of the #MeToo (Me Too) movement against harassment and sexual assault.

Several studios are now using coordinators for these scenes to supervise them and make sure the actors are comfortable and treated with respect.

Source: Reuters

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