Saudi Alyoom

The White House: Biden will seek to extend the START-3 treaty with Russia for 5 years


The White House confirmed that the new US President Joe Biden will seek to extend the Treaty on Strategic Offensive Reduction (START-3) with Russia for a period of 5 years.

The “Washington Post” newspaper had reported, citing informed sources, on Thursday, that the Biden administration would seek to extend the treaty for 5 years.
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Moscow: Washington tried to impose unacceptable conditions for the extension
Moscow: Washington tried to impose unacceptable conditions for the extension of “START-3”

Earlier, both Biden candidates for the posts of Secretary of State and Defense, Anthony Blinken and Lloyd Austin, expressed their support for extending the treaty, indicating that this is in the interest of Washington.

The Russian-American consultations on extending the treaty have stalled during the administration of former President Donald Trump.

The date of entry into force of the treaty expires on February 5, and it sets a ceiling for the number of strategic nuclear warheads for Russia and the United States, which should not exceed 1550 warheads for each party.

Source: “Reuters” + RT

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