Saudi Alyoom

Hope for Libyan peace as Arab League hosts talks in Cairo


A series of tentative agreements between key Libyan officials have raised hopes of a resolution to the country’s long-running civil conflict.

Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit at the league’s headquarters in Cairo on Sunday hosted Mohammed Menfi, president of Libya’s Presidential Council; Aguila Saleh, speaker of the house of representatives; and Mohammed Takala, president of the High State Council.

The talks aimed to facilitate intra-Libyan dialogue as part of the Arab League’s efforts to foster mutual understanding among Libyan parties.

A league statement referred to efforts to bridge viewpoints and resolve differences regarding presidential and parliamentary elections in Libya.

The three Libyan officials agreed to promote the country’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, and reject any hostile external interference in its political process.

A technical committee will be established, and will meet within a designated time frame to review and suggest appropriate amendments to joint action.

This will expand the basis of consensus and acceptance of the work accomplished by the 6+6 Joint Committee.

The technical committee will also aim to resolve any disagreements among the Libyan parties regarding existing legislation.

In the meeting, the parties agreed to establish a single government body responsible for overseeing Libya’s electoral process and delivering essential services to citizens.

As part of the consensus-building efforts, the three parties also agreed to call on the UN Support Mission in Libya and the international community for assistance.

A second round of talks will be held to finalize the agreements.

The Libyan parties praised the Arab League for bringing opposing points of view together in a bid to restore the country’s electoral process.

During a press conference, Menfi said: “We support any consensus between the political parties to conduct the electoral process.”

The results of the meeting “lived up to Libyan’s ambitions to hold elections,” he added.

“We agreed to form a technical committee to solve some of the problems, and a meeting will be held soon to complete the steps,” Menfi said.

“We stressed that elections are a way to reach a stable state.”

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