Saudi Alyoom

Saudi Arabia, China collaborate on literary exchange


Saudi Arabia’s Literature, Publishing, and Translation Commission has partnered with China’s National Press and Publishing Administration to promote literary translation between Arabic and Chinese.

The agreement was signed on Monday during the Riyadh International Book Fair, which is currently taking place at King Saud University until Oct. 7.

Hamed bin Mohammed Fayez, deputy minister of culture, signed the agreement with Zhang Jianchun, deputy head of the Chinese Communist Party’s publicity department.

Through this partnership, both parties aim to strengthen cultural ties, enhance content exchange, and reinforce literary collaboration.

The program highlights the Ministry of Culture’s dedication to international cultural exchange under Saudi Vision 2023 and builds upon previous Saudi-Chinese collaboration in this regard.

Saudi Arabia was honored as the first Arab and Islamic country to participate as a guest in the 20th Beijing International Book Fair. The Saudi pavilion at the fair displayed a diverse collection of books in various genres. Over 50 books by Saudi authors were translated into Chinese, and a film about the founder of Saudi Arabia, King Abdulaziz, was screened in Chinese.

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