Saudi Alyoom

The Saudi Cultural Attaché in Canada honors a female doctor on scholarship for this reason

The Chargé d’Affairs of the Saudi Cultural Attaché in Canada, Dr. Muhammad Al-Jibreen, honored the Saudi doctor on scholarship, “Alaa bint Abdul-Malik Tayeb,” for the achievement she achieved by participating as a key member of the first medical team in Canada to perform the first operation of its kind to treat hereditary retinopathy with genetic injection.
The achievement was praised and appreciated by the official authorities in Canada at the media level, and the Saudi attaché in Canada published on its official Twitter account pictures of honoring and praising them. The attaché confirmed that the Saudi doctor, Alaa, is on scholarship in the stage of specialization in hereditary diseases of the retina and eye. And I participated with a Canadian medical team from the Canadian University of Toronto in performing the first surgery to inject gene therapy. This gene therapy is the first of its kind in therapies based on genetic engineering in the treatment of genetic diseases other than tumors and is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.

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