Saudi Alyoom

Does the marriage of 03/23/23 bode well for the couple?


Numbers specialist Alex Roetblatt asked if marriage 03/23/2023 bodes well for the couple, while he said that this date is fraught with many things and is not suitable for everyone.

March 23rd has become another beautiful date for weddings. On March 23, 2023, hundreds of marriages were registered in Russia, and the newlyweds hope that an unusual combination of numbers will be the key to a happy family life.
And the numerologist said: “Each official marital union has a number for its sponsor: from 1 to 9. And let’s say that you and your chosen one managed to set the date of registration on 03/23/2023. Let’s combine all the numbers of the date in advance, and we will get the number 15. Then We add 1 and 5, it turns out 6, and six will be the marriage number in this case.”

Family life is patronized by the numbers 3, 6 and 8, so March 23 is an auspicious date that promises spouses happiness, mutual understanding and respect.

And the husband and wife will be able to find a common language even if the conflict situation is not related to the relations between them, but, for example, related to money or relatives.

All other numbers are considered unsuccessful for marriage. For example, 1 means battles for power, 4 is doomed to fear of losing something valuable, and 9 brings emotional storms that will exhaust husband and wife.

Regarding the date of March 23, 2023, it still contains some subtleties, and is not suitable for all couples. It is not the best day for couples born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th, 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th, 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th of any month.

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