Saudi Alyoom

To boost immunity and heart health.. 5 foods rich in antioxidants


All essential nutrients play a role in maintaining our health. In addition to the importance of fiber for digestion, proteins provide a feeling of satiety, and carbohydrates provide energy that the body needs.

And according to what was published by New Delhi TV “NDTV”, it is often overlooked to eat foods rich in antioxidants, although they help build good health in many ways, as they include a compound that protects cells from damage caused by oxidants (or free radicals). Free), where the body produces oxidants to fight diseases, but when the amount increases, it may harm the cells of the body.

The most common antioxidant foods to include in the diet include:

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1. Beans and cowpeas

Beans and kidney beans are great sources of antioxidants and protein as well, and because they’re low in cholesterol and quick to digest, they make a good heart-friendly choice.

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2. Walnuts

Cardiologists advise eating walnuts daily, because they are low in cholesterol and sodium, but their antioxidant content, called polyphenols, is high. Experts advise eating about 30 grams of nuts per day, and they should always contain 1-2 walnuts.

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3. Dark chocolate

A study conducted by Harvard researchers claims that chocolate containing at least 70% cocoa is good for the heart, mind, and overall physical health, but moderation is the key to reaping its benefits.

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4. Barley

Barley is one of the traditional whole grains, which offers tremendous health benefits, because it is rich in antioxidants, and experts recommend eating it after soaking in water to make it easier to digest.

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5. Raspberries and strawberries

Raspberries and strawberries provide the body with many important vitamins and minerals, which protect cells from free radical damage and reduce the risk of inflammation. Berries also contain phytochemicals known to promote heart health.

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