Saudi Alyoom

5 natural hair masks perfect for winter


Hair is exposed to fragility and dryness in the winter as a result of climatic changes, and the situation is exacerbated when covering the head with a scarf, hat, or headband, because these accessories are constantly rubbed against the hair and cause it to break, in addition to preventing the scalp from breathing properly.

In the face of this reality, natural masks help nourish and moisturize hair when its dryness becomes more severe as a result of external factors. Learn about 5 of them that have proven effective in this field.

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1- Oil bath:
Vegetable oils play an effective role in deeply nourishing hair, so take advantage of them to prepare easy and practical recipes. It is enough to mix two tablespoons of olive oil with the same amount of coconut oil, and apply this mixture to the hair for about 20 minutes.

During this period, the scalp can be massaged to stimulate blood circulation and promote hair growth, provided that the hair is rinsed well with lukewarm water after applying this mixture and before washing it with shampoo. It can be used once a week in the case of hair loss of vitality.


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2- Shea butter:
Shea butter is distinguished by its richness in essential fatty acids that deeply moisturize hair. It is available in stores that sell natural products, and it is recommended to use it on curly, harsh, and very dry hair. The use of this butter is an alternative to the oil bath, as it deeply nourishes the hair, and it is applied to dry hair. It is sufficient to take a grain of hazelnut and heat it between the palms of the hands before applying it to the length of the hair, focusing on the ends. This mask can be left for about an hour on the hair or left overnight on the hair and washed the next morning.

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3- Aloe vera:
Aloe vera gel is an ideal ingredient for moisturizing hair fibers, so it is recommended to use it once a week to prepare a hair care mask after mixing it with the same amount of olive oil or argan oil. This mixture is left on the hair for an hour after wrapping the head with a warm towel. Aloe vera can also be mixed with the same amount of coconut oil. In this case, the mask is left on the hair for half an hour before rinsing it with lukewarm water and then washing the hair with the shampoo that you usually use.

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4- Eggs:
Eggs contribute to deeply nourishing dry hair, and they have been used in hair care masks for many years due to their role in moisturizing and nourishing hair fibers. To prepare a nourishing hair mask, it is recommended to mix the yolk of an egg with a tablespoon of honey and a little olive oil. This mask is applied to the hair once a week and left on the head for 10 minutes before rinsing it well with cold water, then washing the hair with the shampoo that you usually use.

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5- Cannabidiol oil:
This oil is effective in solving the problem of dry hair due to its richness in amino acids, fatty acids, and antioxidants. They are all essential elements for maintaining healthy hair throughout the year. To prepare a mask containing this oil, it is sufficient to mix 40 milliliters of it with the same amount of almond oil, essential jojoba oil, and 60 grams of honey. This mixture is applied to the entire hair, focusing on the ends, and it is recommended that it be accompanied by a scalp massage. This mask is left on the hair for between 20 and 30 minutes before rinsing it well and washing the hair with shampoo.

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