Saudi Alyoom

In the “villain” house, a man imprisoned members of his family for 17 years


A man imprisoned members of his family in a dilapidated house, under very bad conditions, for 17 years, without anyone noticing, using the trick of loud music to cover up his crime.

The British newspaper “Daily Mail” reported that a Brazilian man imprisoned his wife and two children for 17 years in the city of Rio de Janeiro, where they were in a house whose walls were crumbling and the furniture was nothing but a dirty mattress.

The man forced his family to live in the dilapidated house as prisoners for nearly two decades.

The mother and her two children, 19 and 22 years old, respectively, were held in chains, and were found to be suffering from severe dehydration and malnutrition.

The story began when the Brazilian police reported a problem in a house in an area suffering from extreme poverty and deprivation, west of Rio de Janeiro.

A short time later, police found what appeared to be three prisoners “chained, dirty and hungry” there, and arrested the father.
The husband, who locked up his family members as “Sid DJ” among neighbors because of the loud music, which he used to block the screams of his victims.

Local reports said that family members sometimes went 3 days without food, as well as endless physical and psychological abuse against them.

The husband, who was described by media reports as “evil”, never allowed his wife to work, and prevented her children from going to school.

When the wife tried to break free from the “family prison”, the husband threatened her with death and said that she would only leave her home in the event of death.

It was not clear why the husband committed the crime.

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