Saudi Alyoom

Heard’s new financial problem in the Deb defamation case


American movie star Amber Heard’s insurance company has refused to cover part of the compensation imposed by a court, for defaming her ex-husband, Johnny Depp.

Heard has a $1 million insurance policy from New York Marine and General Insurance, which covers a number of matters including defamation.

According to the “TMZ” website, which specializes in art news, Heard’s insurance company belongs to the US state of California, which exempts it from compensating the owners of its policies in the event that the insured commits illegal bad behavior.

The insurance company based its rejection of Heard’s request on the fact that the jury considered the artist’s defamation of her ex-husband, intentional and malicious.

New York Marine and General Insurance has asked the court to extradite the company to an acknowledgment that it is not responsible for any payment to Heard.
Amber Heard was found guilty by a US jury of defamation of her ex-husband, and ordered that she pay compensation of $10 million, in addition to fines of $350,000.

Heard’s defense team had expressed its displeasure with the ruling, which condemned his client, saying that it was tainted by contradictions and not fair.

Earlier, Heard’s lawyer stated that his client could never pay the fine imposed by the jury.

Under the ruling, Heard must pay $10.35 million in damages, while Depp was also found guilty of paying the actress $2 million in damages.

If Heard is unable to pay the jury’s compensation, she must formally declare bankruptcy.

In this case, the aggrieved person in whose favor the compensation is ruled, which is Dib in this case, returns to the court in order to consider the possibility of extracting money from the assets of the convicted person.

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