Saudi Alyoom

Palestinian officials: Israeli measures escalate ahead of Biden’s visit to the region


Palestinian officials said that the Israeli authorities have escalated the pace of their procedures, especially field executions, ahead of US President Joe Biden’s visit to the area scheduled for the middle of next month.
Member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, head of the Department of Human Rights and Civil Society, Ahmed Al-Tamimi, said in a statement that “the American administration is the sponsor of Israel, and therefore it is the only influential party capable of curbing it and stopping its crimes.”
Al-Tamimi called on President Biden “to compel Israel to stop its criminal operations, if the American administration is serious about its talk about the success of the peace process, which Israel led in its infancy.”
In turn, Palestinian National Council Speaker Rawhi Fattouh criticized the silence of the international community, especially the United States of America, regarding the escalation of Israeli practices in the Palestinian territories.
Fattouh said in a statement: “There is no justification for the silence of the international community, especially the US administration, which ignores the occupation’s repressive practices, including murder, land theft, and the policy of collective punishment against the Palestinian people.”
Fattouh called on the international community and the UN Security Council to intervene to protect the Palestinian people, because “their silence gives the racist Israeli government a cover for more brutality and assassinations.”
In the same context, Osama al-Qawasmi, a member of the Political Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, said that the adoption of the two-state solution or the assertion that it is the only possible solution by the United States without recognizing the State of Palestine in accordance with international law is “insufficient, not serious, and incompatible with logic.”

Al-Qawasmi said in a statement that recognizing “the Israeli occupation as an independent state, while it violates international law by occupying this, and considering the Palestine Liberation Organization as a terrorist, is something that cannot be correct, or be a serious and meaningful starting point for achieving the vision of a two-state solution in accordance with international legitimacy.”
Al-Qawasmi considered, “The silence of the United States on the growing crimes of the occupation, especially colonialism and the looting and plundering of Palestinian land, demonstrates, with certainty, that it is not serious, considering the statements of rejection of what the Israeli authorities are doing “for media consumption only.”

On Saturday morning, Agence France-Presse reported the death of a Palestinian youth from his wounds hours after Israeli forces shot him in the occupied West Bank.

A member of the Silwad municipal council told AFP that 16-year-old Muhammad Hamad was shot on Friday evening near the village of Silwad, east of Ramallah in the northern West Bank, and died hours later.
According to Palestinian institutions operating in the West Bank, the Israeli authorities have killed more than 57 Palestinians since the beginning of this year and arrested nearly 1,100 others, in addition to approving hundreds of new settlement units.

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