Saudi Alyoom

Elimination of IAEA equipment and further enrichment of uranium


Since the International Atomic Energy Agency announced its condemnation of Iran, matters related to the nuclear agreement are moving at an accelerating pace, amid strong reactions from Tehran, which may herald the end of the era of nuclear negotiations in Vienna and the return of the situation to ground zero.
The Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency, consisting of 35 countries, approved by a large majority a resolution condemning Iran, because it did not provide what explains the presence of uranium traces in three undisclosed sites, while Russia and China opposed the text of the resolution, while 30 countries voted in favor of it and abstained. Three countries to vote are India, Pakistan and Libya.
The Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi, announced earlier today, Thursday, that “Iran has informed the agency that it will remove all additional equipment that was installed under the 2015 nuclear deal.”
Iran responded to the decision to put the “Ocos” treaty on the agenda of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Board of Governors, stressing that this decision “increases the risks of nuclear proliferation.”
In turn, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian held those who adopted the anti-Iranian resolution in the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Board of Governors responsible for all the repercussions of their threats.
And US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken warned that Tehran’s reaction to the International Atomic Energy Agency’s report on Iran’s lack of cooperation with it may exacerbate the complexity of the nuclear crisis and increase Iran’s isolation.
American and European losses
Sadeq al-Moussawi, an Iranian political analyst, considered that the International Atomic Energy Agency is a tool in the hands of the great powers, especially the United States of America, with evidence that it does not interfere in the Israeli nuclear file, nor the United States, knowing that Israel is not a member of the agency that America does not allow to supervise. Its nuclear programmes, it is a subsidiary institution and influenced by US and international policies.
According to his interview with “Sputnik”, Iran is moving forward in increasing its stockpile of enriched uranium whenever a nuclear agreement is delayed, as it is progressing in installing centrifuges and expanding its nuclear activity.
He stressed that the delay in the negotiations is not in the interest of the United States of America or European countries, as Iran’s position today in developing its nuclear program is not the same as it was 6 months ago, and today will not be the same as tomorrow. What can be agreed upon and negotiated today is not what can be agreed upon after a while. .
He continued, “Therefore, the delay does not harm Iran, but it harms the credibility of US President Biden, who loses his popularity every day and does not score any achievement at the international level, especially after his involvement in the Ukrainian war and the Russian move step by step forward, and America and the Europeans are taking steps back.”
Limited American and European options
In this context, the Iranian political analyst, Imad Abashnas, considered that the Iranian steps come within the framework of efforts to return to the Vienna negotiations, and the reason is on the one hand that the European countries and the United States have lost all their cards against Iran, and on the other hand, Israel has become convinced that attempts to revive the nuclear agreement and give additional privileges to Tehran It has become serious, and is on the way, which is why he wants to obstruct efforts and prevent granting new concessions to Iran.
According to his interview with “Sputnik”, on the other hand, we see Iran and its reaction robbed the opposite party of the privileges that he had hoped to obtain, and today he has to strive to persuade the Iranians to return from their procedures.
He continued, “Today, there are two unimaginable ways for the United States and Europe: either they enter into a military confrontation against Iran, and this is unlikely, or they return to the Vienna negotiations and sign the draft that everyone reached 3 months ago.
As for the sanctions that threaten Western countries, and the words are still on the tongue of Abshnas, America knows very well that it no longer frightens the Iranians because they are currently facing sanctions that are more severe than the sanctions of the United Nations Security Council against them on the one hand and on the other hand due to changing international conditions, and many countries, including European countries are not ready to succumb to these sanctions against Iran because they are sure that once the return of these sanctions against Iran is announced, the price of a barrel of oil will escalate to cross the $200 barrier, and this will lead to the downfall of many Western leaders in their countries.
Today, despite the sanctions imposed on Russia, Moscow exports its oil and gas at the highest possible level, in addition to that, Iran also exports oil at the highest level it can export, and the United States is pumping its reserve stock into the markets, and we see energy prices rising; how will it be? What if the United Nations sanctions against Iran return?

Abashnas clarified that it is in everyone’s interest to return to the implementation of the nuclear agreement, and the United States is forced to comply with Iranian demands to lift sanctions in full and give guarantees to Iran not to repeat what Trump did again.
For his part, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said that the decision of the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency reveals the true face of Iran.
Bennett said in a tweet on his official account on “Twitter”, yesterday evening, Wednesday, that the IAEA’s decision condemning Iran for not providing what explains the presence of uranium traces in three undisclosed sites has revealed the true face of Iran.

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