Saudi Alyoom

A specialist reveals shoes that should not be worn after the age of thirty


Russian orthopedic specialist, Elena Pastarnak, has warned of the dangers of some types of shoes despite their deceptive fit.
Pastarnak revealed, in an interview with “Radio Sputnik”, about the shoes that can be worn by people over 30 years old.
And she added that more people are wearing sneakers during their movements, but this type of shoes must be treated with caution, saying: “Sports shoes are very common shoes, but they have a flat sole, so the arch of the foot flattens, and this has a bad effect not only on The foot itself, but also the large joints and the spine. If you wear these shoes a lot, you will get tired and sore so I don’t often recommend wearing sneakers without special soles.”
And the orthopedic specialist continued that there are age restrictions for this type of shoes: “After the age of thirty, it is better to completely exclude sports shoes and wear only appropriate shoes. The younger the person, the more elastic the ligaments, the more adequate the reserve of bodily functions, and the compensatory reactions develop well. .After 30 the ligaments are stiff and the joints are too, so you need to pay special attention to your shoes.”

The specialist also revealed the appropriate shoes for people over 30 years old, saying: “It is better to wear appropriate shoes, where the heel is short, three to four centimeters, and is stable and solid. This is suitable for the foot and for the entire musculoskeletal system, as well as for the prevention of Injuries. In such shoes you will not twist your leg, you will feel comfortable, walk fast and lead an active lifestyle.”

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