Saudi Alyoom

Marine Le Pen .. Who is the Egyptian Saidia, who is competing with Macron to head of France?


Once again, the French right-wing politician Marine Le Pen enters the run-off in the French elections against the outgoing President Emmanuel Macron, only to be worried about her victory.
The first round of the presidential elections took place in France on April 10, and according to the results of 97% of the votes counted, Le Pen was 4% behind the current French president, as the results showed 27.6% of the vote for Macron, compared to 23.41% for Le Pen. The second round of the presidential elections will be held on April 24.
Le Pen is a controversial figure inside France and in Europe, because of her positions and opinions that some consider a threat to France and all of Europe, and among them Macron himself, who commented on her ability to cross the first round of the elections and ascend to the second round in front of him, and said: “We do not want France to return to It turns its back on the Europeans, and we want to see it strong in Europe and cooperating with the big democracies to defend itself.”
This is the second time that Le Pen is running in the French presidential election runoff against Emmanuel Macron, after she lost nearly two votes to one in 2017.
The woman, born on August 5, 1968, has a great history in which she expressed shocking opinions to the extent that the French media described her as “Trump France” in relation to former US President Donald Trump, who had exciting opinions and actions.

She holds a master’s degree in law, began her career as a lawyer, held judicial positions, and was elected in 2004 as a member of the European Parliament and held that position until 2017.
She has been the head of the right-wing National Front (France) party since 2011, and she is the daughter of its founder and former president, Jean-Marie Le Pen, the right-wing leader against whom she fought a leadership struggle, and was able to remove him from the party presidency, and criticized her father’s statements about racism and anti-Semitism.
Despite this, Le Pen has opinions no less dangerous than her father’s, especially her position on immigrants and Muslims in France, as well as her position on France’s affiliation with the European Union.
Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn called on French citizens to prevent Le Pen from winning, considering her victory as a worrying prospect for the European Union.
“This would not only be a break with the core values ​​of the European Union, it would be a complete change in its course. The French need to prevent this,” he added.
After qualifying for the second round of the elections, the far-right candidate declared that she would “make France a force for peace, remain a guarantor of French sovereignty, and defend France against immigration.” She said that “her first ambition is the unity of the French around the national popular project, in order to make the French nation a united nation towards a single destiny.”
And Luban previously revealed that her origins go back to the city of Assiut in Upper Egypt.
According to the French newspaper “Le Figaro”, Marie Le Pen’s origins go back to the Micallef family on the side of her maternal grandmother, a Maltese family that spread in North Africa and the Levant, and there she married Arabs, Jews and Italians, according to the French expert in the genealogy of politicians, Jean-Louis Bocarono, pointing out that one The branches of that family settled in Egypt, and Le Pen’s grandmother, who was born in Alexandria, married a Frenchman in 1907 in Cairo, and he worked as a supervisor in construction sheds.
According to the newspaper, Le Pen said during a dinner party held in Egypt on the sidelines of her visit in 2015, that the mother of her grandmother on her mother’s side was born in Assiut Governorate in Upper Egypt, while her grandmother lived 20 years in Alexandria.
Playboy magazine published pictures of Marie Le Pen’s mother completely naked in 1987, after her divorce from Marie’s father, a French politician who was famous for his hard-right political views. The purpose of publishing these photos was to antagonize her husband and Mary’s father, who believed that the only thing a woman could succeed in was housework and cooking.
Followers believe that the vote for Le Pen is originally a punitive vote against Macron, and the French Interior Minister, Gerald Darmanin, said that the results of the far-right National Rally, Marine Le Pen, in the first round of the presidential election, is a wake-up call that cannot be ignored.
“The results of the far-right, especially for Ms. Le Pen, are a wake-up call. Attention should be paid to it,” Darmanin said on CNews.
He added: “Le Pen has achieved an important result, which cannot be neglected. I want to tell the voters who voted for Marine Le Pen that we have heard their demands to show compassion and listen to the working class.”
He noted that despite the fact that current President Emmanuel Macron won a lot of votes, government parties and republican parties such as the Socialists and Republicans, could not stay in this race.
“Now Emmanuel Macron is the only Republican who has won a large number of votes,” the interior minister added.

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