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Saudi Arabia: Houthi attacks aim to destabilize world energy supplies

A source in the Saudi Ministry of Energy confirmed, on Friday, that the sabotage attacks launched by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia against oil and gas production sites and their derivatives in the Kingdom, do not target Saudi Arabia alone, but also seek to destabilize the security and stability of energy supplies in the world.

The Saudi source stressed, in a statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), the need for the international community to be aware of the danger of Iran continuing to provide the terrorist Houthi militia with ballistic missile technologies and advanced unmanned aircraft, which target oil production sites.

He expressed the Kingdom’s strong condemnation of these sabotage attacks, the recurrence of which were committed against vital installations and civilian objects, in different regions of the Kingdom, in violation of all international laws and norms.

Earlier, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia confirmed that it will not bear any responsibility for any shortage of oil supplies to global markets, in light of the continuous sabotage attacks against its oil facilities from the Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia.
The source pointed to the serious effects of the production, processing and refining sectors, which will lead to an impact on the Kingdom’s production capacity and its ability to fulfill its obligations to global markets, which undoubtedly threatens the security and stability of energy supplies to global markets.

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