Saudi Alyoom

Tehran sends a letter to the Security Council regarding new US statements about the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists


Iran has sent a letter to the UN Security Council protesting the “hateful” statements made by US Senator Lindsey Graham regarding the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists, saying that “Iran reserves the right to take all necessary measures in accordance with international law.”
In its letter, Iran’s permanent representation to international organizations in Vienna protested the hateful US statements regarding the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists, stressing that “these statements serve as a green light for Israel to commit more terrorist acts against our scientists.”

Graham’s statements were considered: “a clear violation of the United States’ international obligations, and United Nations resolutions, according to which countries pledge not to incite the commission of terrorist acts,” noting “the Zionist entity’s long history of sabotage operations against Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities, including the assassination of many nuclear scientists.” Iranians in recent years, as well as the joint cyber-attacks between the United States and Israel against Iranian nuclear facilities using the Stuxnet virus.
She called on “the international community in general and the Security Council in particular to strongly condemn such provocative acts and incitement to commit terrorist acts,” warning the international community against the Zionist entity’s adventure and its repercussions on establishing peace and security in the region.
In an interview with Israeli media, Lindsey Graham called “Israeli officials to carry out more assassinations against Iranian nuclear scientists,” referring to the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in late 2020.

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