Saudi Alyoom

After the Champs Elysees celebrations, Le Pen calls for the abolition of the automatic granting of citizenship to Algerians


The leader of the right-wing “National Rally” in France, Marine Le Pen, called for the abolition of the automatic French citizenship law for large groups of Algerian immigrants.

And Le Pen published a tweet on “Twitter”, accompanied by a video of the Algerians’ celebrations after their country’s victory in the Arab Cup in the streets of France, and commented, “The behavior of these Algerian supporters says everything about a 50-year-old failure in the immigration system.”

“It is time to cancel the automatic acquisition of citizenship,” she added, referring to the children of immigrants and those married to French or other Algerians who can obtain citizenship automatically.

She stressed that if she was elected president, she would put a draft immigration law to a referendum.

She stressed that the law would be the complete end of the “right to land”, noting that foreigners would not benefit from the solidarity benefits before working at least 5 years full-time in France.

Le Pen had announced that she would not grant the Algerians entry visas if she won the presidency, if Algeria did not accept the return of its “undesirable” citizens from France.
In a statement to “France Info” radio, which is conducting a series of interviews with candidates for the presidential elections scheduled for April next year, she considered that Paris’s measures to halve visas granted to Algerians, in response to Algeria’s refusal to take back its citizens of illegal immigrants, “are in place.”

She added: “Algeria is a great country that has faced great difficulties such as Islamic terrorism… Since it is a great country that gained its independence, it must act as a great nation and respect international law.”

She pointed out that international law requires that any country take back its citizens of illegal immigrants who are in another country that intends to expel them.

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