Saudi Alyoom

A cat rescued after spending several days on a pole in an American city


For at least two days, maybe more, residents of a suburb of Denver worried about the fate of a black cat named Panther who was standing on top of a 36-foot (11-meter) electric pole.
Panther stayed in place despite the efforts of his owner, and others, to get him off the pole in Uroa, where neither begging nor temptation with food succeeded in convincing him to get off, according to a report by the Sentinel Colorado newspaper.

The cat went missing earlier this week and was first seen above the shaft on Wednesday.

“Everyone was saying put food for him and he’ll come down eventually, but that didn’t happen,” said Jessica Meadows, of Aurora, on Friday morning, when the first snow fell during the season.

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Meadows said she and her neighbors called Aurora Animal Control and Excel Energy for help.

“Everyone says they can’t do anything,” Meadows said.

The usual practice in such events is to give the cats enough time to descend on their own, according to the Sentinel Colorado newspaper.
In pictures, a cat rescued after spending several days on a pole in an American city

News of Panther’s plight reached Aurora Councilman Curtis Gardner, and city officials dispatched a truck with a ladder on Friday afternoon.

Kimberly Medina, another co-owner of Panther, said he was always let out.

“It will never happen again,” she said.

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