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A heart weighing 180 kilograms for a creature larger than 340 elephants… a legend living on earth

A huge creature with many legends and stories roams about, which it deserves, carrying with it a huge heart that is the largest in the world that may weigh up to 180 kilograms, but this creature, fortunately, still lives on our blue planet.
Weighing from 100 to 150 tons, more than 340 elephants, and larger than any dinosaur known to our blue planet since time immemorial, this legendary giant, which reaches up to 30 meters in length, i.e. a huge 10-storey building, is still roaming silently around our planet until today.

The only true ‘legend’ on the planet needs a unique heart
All this information that may shock many today, is a fact of the characteristics of the great blue whale, the whale about which many stories and tales have been told, but in fact, he deserved it well, as he sits on top of the largest creatures on earth.

The heart of the blue whale consists of 4 huge, equal-mass chambers, which act as a “heavy caliber” pump that pumps oxygen to all parts of the blue giant’s body every 10 seconds, according to the report published in the “nationalgeographic” magazine specialized in the animal world.

Heart sound up to 3 km
The blue whale’s heartbeat is characterized by its loud sound, as it can be heard about 3 kilometers away in the sonar devices. With this strength, it can pump about 220 liters of blood every 10 seconds.

The most exciting thing about the heart of the blue whale, is its heartbeat varies between the surface and the bottom of the water, as it beats about 25 to 35 beats per minute, at the surface of the water, but it beats from 4 to 8 beats per minute, when diving to deep distances in search of food .

This process allows the mega whale to reduce the amount of work the heart does while still distributing blood throughout the body evenly while minimizing wasted energy and oxygen at very cold, cold depths and extending the duration of the dive.

Two beats per minute…a strict procedure like no other
One study found that the blue whale lowered its heart rate to just 2-4, a surprisingly strict procedure.

The whale increases the number of its heartbeats to reach 25 to 37 beats per minute, and scientists believe that this method of the whale’s heartbeat is caused by the fact that the whale’s heart works within a physical space that allows it to increase the number of pulses, but does not allow it to speed up the pulse rate per se, but these capabilities granted it The possibility of diving for very long periods that no other whale can perform, even a humpback whale.

The blue whale has a network of arteries that is the largest of its kind in the world, as the aorta measures more than 9 inches, and provides a smooth distribution process to the entire mass, which extends for a distance of 30 meters.
Baby blue whale drinks 150 gallons of milk a day
The magazine also touched on baby blue whales, which are also born giants, and consume about 150 gallons of milk per day, giving them a unique growth potential of about 200 pounds per day in their first year.

An adult blue whale needs about 8,000 pounds of krill per day, but it is able to fast for months, especially during migration periods when it consumes the fat stored in its great body.

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