Saudi Alyoom

Amazing statistics on smart home usage and predictions for numbers to double


We live in the golden age of technology, more specifically “smart technology”, over the past decade, the market for smart technology has advanced greatly, making people’s lives easier.

To illustrate how advanced technology has evolved, in this report we present some smart home stats.

1. Industry experts predict that global smart home purchases will exceed 475 million homes in 2020.

Global spending on smart home devices has reached an all-time high with signs of explosive growth in the coming years. This certainly makes a lot of sense if we consider that the systems in the homes have seen a lot of savings in energy, time and money, according to techjury. American.

2- 66% of US consumers have at least one smart gadget at home.
Most of the customers are still planning to add more devices in the future, this will lead to a huge increase in corporate revenue in this field.

3- Statistics indicate that the global smart home market for 2022 will reach $53.5 billion.

4- With sales of $23 billion, the United States is the largest consumer of smart technology.

The US smart home market is one of the most lucrative in the world. The US market size increased about 15% from the previous year, closely followed by China with a market share of $12.9 billion. Japan came in third with a market size of $4.9 billion.

5- 57% of Americans admit that using smart products saves about 30 minutes of their time.

According to Smart Home Technology Trends, more than half of Americans report that using devices typically save about half an hour of their time each day.

This may not seem like a long time, but if you look at the time cumulatively, it comes out to about 182.5 hours per year, which is roughly over a week.
6- Voice-controlled devices play a huge role in smart home systems, voice assistants make calls, search for things online, send texts or open apps on your phone, smart TV, etc.

7. 118 million people in the United States engage in at least some form of voice search activity each month.

According to technology usage statistics, approximately 34% of US citizens currently use Voice Search at least once per month.

8- It is estimated that households will spend $19.4 billion to acquire smart security systems.

Households that have already adopted smart home technologies for security will spend up to $19.4 billion on systems to protect their homes by the end of 2020, and that number will double to $35 billion by 2024.

9- Using smart security systems in your home can reduce insurance premiums by 20%.

Smart home facts show that some insurance companies lower their premiums for homes that have installed smart security systems.

This means that your insurance company can lower your premiums by up to a quarter of their usual rate.

10- 81% of consumers said they intend to buy a new home with smart technology.

As more and more people become aware of the benefits of living in smart homes, we are witnessing a huge change in the mindset of home buyers.

11- 43% of smart home technology users are between 18 and 34 years old.

According to smart home demographics, about 43% of smart home technology users fall between the ages of 18 to 34.

In recent years, an increasing number of young people are looking to integrate smart home technologies into their existing homes.

12- How many smart home devices do you use? Can a smart home be hacked?

As smart homes become more and more popular, so does their potential for hacking, and hackers can get into your home and even use things you wouldn’t expect, like light bulbs or smart plugs.

It doesn’t seem so farfetched because one app controls all the systems, so if a cybercriminal hacks the system, they will simply break into your home, and who knows what they can do next?

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