Saudi Alyoom

How artificial intelligence is developing in Russian military aviation


Military aviation will not be left out of the unprecedented pace of technological development, according to experts, the armed struggle of the present century will be fundamentally different from the methods and methods of waging wars of the past.

According to a team of authors from the “National Research Center” Institute of the Russian Federal Budget Institute, they note that artificial intelligence technologies will be introduced into manned and unmanned aerial vehicles, and therefore can bring three main advantages: working with a large amount of data, high-speed information processing and autonomy procedures.

They added: “It may happen that there is an opportunity to remove the pilot from the operation, when a decision must be made as soon as possible, and the system does not have even a split second to consult with someone.”
According to them: “In battle, the winner is the one who makes the decision and responds faster. Thus AI will make it possible to more accurately identify targets without human intervention, provide options and scenarios for subsequent actions, and respond flexibly to a changing situation in real time.”

The authors of the article note that the further development of combat aircraft systems with unmanned aerial vehicles, will be subject to the transition from individual use to collective actions with a high level of interaction and independence of decision-making.

They added: “The control system for such groups must have artificial intelligence and the means to perform complex calculations. To achieve this result, it is necessary to create promising intelligent flight systems and programs for them, as well as teach them everything necessary.”

The authors of the article are confident that advances in the use of artificial intelligence will provide leadership in the world of the twenty-first century.

In their opinion, at the moment, all the technological requirements for the development of intelligent flight systems capable of raising the entire weapon system to a new level have already been created.

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