Saudi Alyoom

5 Foods Rich in Vitamin B12


Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is necessary for many metabolic and hormonal processes in the body, including the production of red blood cells and digestive enzymes, the transport of nutrients into cells, and the formation and regeneration of nerve fibers.

Deficiency of this vitamin can cause anemia, cardiovascular problems, shortness of breath, and cognitive impairment. The people most likely to be deficient in B12 are those whose diets do not vary greatly, including vegetarians, as well as those with Crohn’s disease. Cyanocobalamin deficiency can be compensated with the help of nutritional supplements or by including these multiple foods in the diet. And the Medi Forum website talks about foods that contain this vitamin.

One hundred grams of salmon contains three micrograms of vitamin B12, which is equivalent to the daily amount of this substance for an adult. In addition to vitamin B12, salmon contains protein and omega-3 fatty acids that are good for the heart and nervous system. To reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative diseases, doctors recommend eating at least two servings of oily fish per week.

In general, beef is a rich source of vitamin B12.
the milk

Milk is rich not only in vitamin B12, but also in calcium and vitamin D, which are important nutrients for maintaining healthy bones and teeth.

Like milk, yogurt contains vitamin B12, calcium, protein, and vitamin D, as well as probiotics (good bacteria) that improve digestion and boost immunity.

Eggs are an important source of vitamin B12, but unfortunately only a small part of cyanocobalamin is absorbed by our body. However, with regular consumption of eggs, the level of vitamin B12 in the body gradually increases.

One hundred grams of cheese contains approximately 1.5 micrograms of vitamin B12, which is half the daily value. However, you need to eat cheese in limited quantities, as it is high in calories and fat. Mozzarella, feta, ricotta, and some types of goat cheese are relatively low in calories.

In addition to vitamin B12, tuna is rich in protein, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, phosphorous, and chromium.

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