Saudi Alyoom

“Black Widow” … a Japanese woman faces execution after poisoning 4 men to inherit them


An elderly Japanese woman faces the death penalty for poisoning three of her accomplices and trying to kill the fourth in order to obtain an inheritance, after losing her last chance to appeal to the judiciary.

CNN reported that 74-year-old Mrs. Chisaku Kakei was convicted of killing three men with a poisonous substance, while the fourth escaped death.

The network added that the Osaka Supreme Court upheld the death sentence for Kakei, who became known as the “black widow” after she used cyanide poison to kill her wealthy, elderly romantic partners in order to obtain an inheritance.

In the ruling, the judge said, “She (Kahi) used a marriage agency to identify elderly victims to poison them one by one after making them trust her.. It is a relentless crime based on clear and strong killing intent.”

The serial killer was able to raise about 1 billion Japanese yen (about 8.8 million US dollars) in 10 years, but later lost most of that fortune to speculation in the financial markets.

Her first marriage lasted 25 years until her partner died in 1994, and by 2007, she had entered into a relationship with a 78-year-old man named Toshiaki Suhiro.

In December 2007, Kakee had lunch with Sohiro and his children, and here the killer’s wife took advantage of her husband taking nutritional supplements with food in capsules to inject him with cyanide poison in one of them.

Less than 15 minutes after eating lunch, Suhiro fell unconscious, and when the ambulance arrived, he was panting and his breath was about to stop, according to court records.

Kakehi escorted her husband Suhiro to the hospital, but gave herself an alias, when she spoke to the ambulance staff at the hospital, where doctors found that the old man was about to die after suffocation.

Court records indicated that Suhiro was the only survivor of Kakei’s four victims, but that he “suffered from incurable dysfunction and poor eyesight, dying after a year and a half of an unrelated illness.”

A few years after that incident, she met her new lover, Mayuzer Honda, who was 71 years old in 2011.

In March 2012, after the two were walking around in a store, they went their separate ways.

At about 5 pm that day, the man lost consciousness while riding a motorbike. The hospital he was treated to declared his death two hours later, and it appears that the “Black Widow” had poisoned him in a food or drink that day.

The third man, Minoru Hyuki, aged 75, had recovered from lung cancer before he met Kakei and fell in love with her in July 2013.

By August of that year, Hyuki sent Kakei an email that he wanted to “stay with her forever”, after which they became close, often eating together and spending nights at each other’s homes.

But that romantic relationship ended on September 20, when the couple went out to dinner in a restaurant, and here Kakeh also took advantage that her old friend was taking health supplements in capsules to poison him in one of them.

And before they finished eating their meal, Hyuki had lost consciousness, and when the ambulance arrived, he was panting and breathing hard, and although he had children, the “Black Widow” told the paramedic crew that he was alone and suffering from cancer, and when they offered her permission to resuscitate him electrically, she refused, on the pretext Fearing for his life, he died two hours after arriving at the hospital.

In November 2013, just two months after Hyuki’s death, Kakei had dated her latest victim, Iso Kikhi, but within a month of their marriage, the serial killer was secretly dating another man.

The husband, Iso, was apparently no more fortunate than his predecessors, as his heart stopped shortly after having dinner at home with his new wife, who called an ambulance, but died an hour after arriving at the hospital.

Isu’s death aroused the suspicions of the Japanese police, especially since two of Kakei’s lovers had died in the same way, to begin a lengthy investigation that led to the discovery of the crimes of that old woman and proof of conclusive evidence that led to the black widow’s confession of her crimes.

Despite her defense team’s attempt to prove that their client suffers from Alzheimer’s dementia, the court rejected those arguments and upheld her death sentence.

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