Saudi Alyoom

A possible conflict between “ISIS” and the Taliban… and Biden in the face of the American street


Several repercussions and repercussions of the terrorist attack that took place in the vicinity of Kabul Airport, which killed dozens and injured more than 150.

The operation, which took place in an area under the control of the American forces, on Thursday, August 26, will have many repercussions on the American side as well as the Afghan interior.
Several messages were carried by the terrorist operation for which the terrorist organization “ISIS Khorasan” claimed responsibility, as experts believe that the organization wants to confirm its existence, and is also trying to attract more elements with this strike to the American forces.

Rivalry between ISIS and the Taliban

For his part, the Moroccan security expert, Abd al-Sharqawi al-Rudaini, said that he has denied the ISIS-Khorasan organization’s claim of responsibility for the attack on Kabul Airport, which resulted in dozens of deaths and injuries among the American and Afghan forces, so Afghanistan will know intense competition between “ISIS” and al-Qaeda, whose shares will rise not only in Afghanistan, but in all the gray spots in which it is present at the international level.”

And he added, in his speech to “Sputnik”, that

“The terrorist operation that targeted Kabul airport showed that the Taliban armed groups and parties have become affiliated with the terrorist organization “ISIS”, which is on the lists of terrorism.” The specter of terrorism to ensure that Western countries commit to leaving Afghanistan by the end of the month.”

Al-Rudaini believes that “the strike is a strategic investment by the Taliban to speed up the process of departure.”

The image of the US administration was affected

Regarding the effects on the level of the US administration, Abdul-Sharqawi Al-Rudaini points out that “this strike constitutes a great challenge and puts the US strategy followed since the entry of its forces in Afghanistan, which cost hundreds of billions of dollars, before burning questions.”

He believes that the “terrorist” organization ISIS, through this strike, “shows a change in the doctrine of the Taliban movement, which was very close to al-Qaeda, but the messages are to other parties inside Afghanistan in order to make choices and alliances in the next stage, and that it is the beginning of a war between al-Qaeda and ISIS over Afghan territory.

Khorasan Province

Al-Rudaini also believes that “ISIS, represented in the state of Khorasan, a region that includes parts of present-day Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and Central Asia, is very close to the “Taliban” and many members of the Haqqani groups, especially the special forces known as “Badri 313”, who were present in many hotbeds of tension. They gained experience in Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and even Chechnya.”

The security expert continues that

“Although the process was directed to external consumption, it is defined in the intersections, as well as the upcoming alignments that will be known in the next conflict between the Taliban and the counter forces, in the north-east in the Panjshir Valley led by the National Resistance Front led by Ahmed Masoud and Amrullah Saleh, and other parties from other extremist and armed groups.

While the Lebanese security expert, Brigadier General Charles Abi Nader, said that “the negative repercussions and repercussions appeared before the bombing, through the American confusion and loss in managing the withdrawal from Afghanistan.”

In his speech to “Sputnik”, he added that “the failure to anticipate or anticipate the assessment of the sweeping control of the Taliban over most of the Afghan provinces and border areas led to the catastrophic explosion carried out by ISIS, in addition to a double failure in security and protection measures, despite the receipt of almost certain information about a terrorist act that is preparing.” He has ISIS.

Upcoming repercussions

Abi Nader stressed that “the explosion will have harmful effects, and repercussions on the US administration and on US President Joe Biden in particular, as he bears responsibility for the security, military and intelligence exposure, which put the US units and their Afghan collaborators in a specific spot (Kabul Airport), as if it were an easy target.” to ISIS terrorist.

He also suggested “the possibility of an internal American movement with the participation of Democrats, in addition to Republicans, towards holding President Biden responsible by pressuring him to resign.”

Regarding the messages of ISIS behind the bombing, Charles Abi Nader explains that they are “many and in more than one direction, as it wants to emphasize that it is present in Afghanistan, at a not simple level and with not easy terrorist capabilities, as the double suicide operation indicates that the organization has all the ingredients for a relaunch.” His operations and maneuvers and imposed himself as a strong party on the Afghan arena, and from them on the arenas surrounding Afghanistan.”

Upcoming conflict

On the other hand, the operation bears signs of a clash or an upcoming conflict between ISIS and the Taliban, as the security expert points out that the two sides do not understand each other in depth and in secret, and that the bombing took place in a difficult and security-protected area from the Taliban and the Americans.

He continued, “The Taliban has a well-known ability to hold the ground and the field, and it is not excluded that there is collusion between the two parties. (ISIS and the Taliban) facilitated the bombing.”

In the same context, Dr. Hossam Shuaib, an expert on terrorist groups, said that “the repercussions on the American side are great, but they are not serious.”

Demanding Biden’s resignation
In his speech to “Sputnik”, Shoaib added, “Former US President Donald Trump, as well as all opponents of US President Joe Biden, see in the current situation an opportunity to ask Biden to submit his resignation, but the matter will not harm strategically and America’s dealings with the region.”

Shuaib believes that “the crisis will not affect it significantly, but it constitutes a popular base to build on in the future, and that the Taliban may not be able to control all of Afghanistan.”

pointed to

“Fears that Afghanistan will turn into a new emirate for the terrorist organization ISIS, in light of the possibility of new groups emerging from the heart of al-Qaeda and the Taliban there.”

The terrorist organization ISIS had earlier claimed responsibility for an explosion in the vicinity of Kabul Airport on Thursday morning.

“Reuters” quoted the “Amaq” news agency of the Islamic State on its account on the Telegram channel, that the organization claimed responsibility for the attack, which took place outside Kabul airport on Thursday.

A US official had said that a suicide bomber affiliated with the terrorist organization ISIS was responsible for the explosion in the vicinity of Kabul Airport.

The American newspaper, Politico, quoted an American official familiar with the details of the events, as saying that initial information indicated that an ISIS suicide bomber was responsible for the explosion near the gates of Kabul Airport.

Four well-informed sources told the American newspaper that the bombing targeted the “Abe” gate, through which American soldiers receive American and Afghan personnel on evacuation flights from Kabul airport.

The sources added, “The explosion was very large and violent, and bombs were thrown after the explosion as well.”

The American network quoted unnamed officials as saying that the explosion was a suicide attack, which took place at one of the gates of Kabul Airport, and initial reports indicate a large number of wounded and dead.

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