Saudi Alyoom

A soldier feeds her colleagues candy with cannabis during ammunition training in a strange and dangerous incident


The Canadian military judiciary issued its verdict in a strange incident that occurred at a combat training center at a Canadian Forces base in Cagtown, in the province of New Brunswick.

The incident dates back to 2018, when soldier Chelsea Cogswell fed her colleagues some cannabis-infused cookies during live-fire training, which resulted in them feeling drunk and disoriented while handling the weapons.
The soldiers said in their testimonies that they felt “distraction”, “lack of cohesion” and “laziness” after eating the cake, which the court considered as an addition to more danger to a dangerous situation, according to the BBC website.

The female soldier was convicted of giving “something harmful” to eight soldiers, in addition to acting in an indecent way, and faces a five-year prison sentence.

Last spring, a military official confirmed that this was the first time a Canadian soldier had faced a court-martial for “giving cannabis to his colleagues without their consent.”

The incident occurred three months before the legalization of cannabis across Canada.

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