Saudi Alyoom

Afghan filmmaker tells her story of her escape from Kabul


Despite waiting in front of the bank in the Afghan capital, Kabul, for more than three full hours, she was unable to withdraw any amount of money, which was reason enough for her to decide to flee.

Sahara Karimi, the Afghan film director, made the decision to flee her country at a difficult time in the history of Afghanistan, and despite her knowledge of the chaos prevailing in Kabul airport, and explosions resounding in some parts of the country, she made the right decision, she said.
Sahra Karimi told Reuters the story of her escape from Afghanistan, accompanied by her brothers and their children, which she explained that it took place with the help of the Turkish and Ukrainian governments, after she left her house, car, money and everything she owned.

Sahara Karimi, the first woman to head the official film organization in her country, the 36-year-old director, has already sounded the alarm before, about the return of the “Taliban” movement (banned in Russia) to rule in her country, expecting that this, in turn, will stifle the industry Cinema and women’s rights.

Karimi stated that the Taliban “do not support art, do not appreciate culture, and will never support such things… They are also afraid of educated girls who have an independent personality,” noting that the Afghan movement wants women to be “hidden and invisible.”

Sahara tells how she left her trip with the bank, in vain, as she failed to get her money, which prompted her to run in the streets, after she also failed to find a taxi in the streets of the Afghan capital, which she posted on her official page on “Instagram.” It then gained more than 1.3 million views.

Karimi sadly tells how a Ukrainian airline flight left Kabul airport, before boarding it with her brothers and their children, as it was scheduled to leave on a flight intended to evacuate the Ukrainians, but thousands of Afghans flocked to the airport, hoping to escape, that prevented her from traveling, at the time.

Despite leaving that trip, which the Karimi desert believed that her life ended with her, which she considered the darkest moment in her life, especially with her perception that we will not be able to get out of Afghanistan yet, because of her desire for a decent life for her nieces, claiming to give them freedom and adequate education for them in the future life, which is A life that would not be under Taliban rule.

This prompted her to continue communicating with Ukrainian officials with the aim of helping her, telling her to wait at Kabul Airport for a period of time, provided she stays away from the crowds at the airport. Indeed, the Karimi desert succeeded in getting away from Afghanistan and reaching Ukraine via a Turkish flight.

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