Saudi Alyoom

Muscle spasm.. Symptoms and treatment


A muscle spasm is defined as an involuntary and sudden contraction of one or more muscles, which sometimes causes you to wake up from sleep or stop walking, accompanied by severe pain.

Although muscle spasms are generally harmless, they may make it temporarily impossible to use the affected muscle.

Exercising or strenuous physical work for long periods, especially in hot weather, may cause muscle spasms, and certain medications and certain medical conditions may cause muscle spasms.

You may be able to treat muscle spasms at home with self-care measures.

Most muscle spasms develop in the calf muscles, particularly the calf. In addition to feeling sudden and sharp pain, a strong swelling of the muscle tissue under the skin can also be felt.

the reasons

Overuse of the muscles, dehydration, muscle strain, or simply being in one position for too long can cause cramps. However, in many cases, the cause is unknown.

Although most cramps are harmful, some may be related to an underlying medical condition, such as:

Not enough blood flow.
Pressure nervous.
Mineral deficiency.

risk factors

Factors that may increase your risk of developing a muscle strain include:

Medical conditions (diabetes, nerve disorders, liver, thyroid).


The following steps may help prevent cramping:

Avoid dehydration.
Do muscle stretching exercises.


Muscle cramps can usually be treated with self-care measures and stretching exercises that can help reduce the chances of developing muscle cramps.

Ensuring access to the necessary water can also help in treatment.

For frequent cramps that disturb sleep, the doctor may prescribe medications that relax the muscles.

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