Saudi Alyoom

President of the General Labor Union: The repercussions of lifting subsidies are catastrophic for the entire Lebanese people


The head of the General Labor Union, Bechara Al-Asmar, said in an interview with “Sputnik” that the process of lifting subsidies without an alternative plan will have catastrophic repercussions on the entire Lebanese people.

Al-Asmar pointed out that “the price of a gas canister will rise to about 300,000 Lebanese pounds if the dollar exchange rate remains at 20 thousand Lebanese pounds, and a diesel canister will be priced at about 225 thousand pounds, and this will lead to a slowdown in the economic movement toward a halt.”
Regarding the repercussions of the rise in the price of gasoline and diesel, Al-Asmar said: “If the plate becomes worth 300,000, the employee in the public or private sector will not be able to go to work on a daily basis, and this matter applies to all military sectors, and it will lead to an exorbitant price for all products in terms of transporting these Therefore, the prices of food and basic commodities will be greatly increased, transportation costs will rise in the country, as well as the prices of electricity generators subscriptions, and the prices of internet and telecommunications services based on electric generators, in light of the almost complete absence of Electricity of Lebanon. This is for life matters, and if we move to medicines and hospitals Which actually depends mainly on electric generators, so what will be the prices of medicines and hospitalization?”

He added, “We are facing a catastrophe if the dollar exchange rate remains at 20,000 Lebanese pounds, and if it rises to 30,000 Lebanese pounds, what will be the prices of gasoline and diesel fuel, so the repercussions are catastrophic.”

Al-Asmar also warned of the “security chaos that is increasing day by day.” He added: “When things get tough in major crises and wars lead to a decline in values ​​and morals resulting from a feeling of injustice and tyranny, and this matter leads to security chaos and chaos I have always warned and warned about. Things are heading for the worse, and immediate remedies must be taken.”

In a press conference, the head of the General Labor Union, Bechara Al-Asmar, called today, Thursday, for public and private sector employees not to join their work if the lifting of subsidies is not reversed.

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