Saudi Alyoom

A Palestinian artist talks about “watermelon” and other symbols used to express the Palestinian cause


The Palestinian sculptor and plastic artist, Suleiman Mansour, expressed the extent of restrictions and restrictions that Palestinian artists are subjected to.

Mansour said, during his meeting with the broadcaster Ahmed Al-Jamal within the Nas Online program, that the Israeli army forces issued orders to them several years ago regarding “Israeli prohibitions related to Palestinian paintings and artwork, including the prohibition of drawing the colors of the Palestinian flag white, black, red and green.” The forces confirmed that any painting Those colours, even if they display watermelon, will be confiscated.”

The Palestinian plastic artist stressed that the restrictions prompted artists to use allusions and methods that symbolize the Palestinian cause, “such as the olive tree, which symbolizes the land that was stolen in 1967, and the orange tree, which symbolizes the 1948 lands.”

Mansour added stories about other symbols, “such as the Palestinian sunbird, the Palestinian sunbird, and the anemones that refer to sacrifices, and the woman who symbolizes the homeland.”

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