Saudi Alyoom

The No. 1 Inflammatory Supplement Is Not “Vitamin D”


Inflammation is the natural protective response that the human body performs against epidemics, diseases, or any virus or infection that enters the human body, and it is a reaction issued by the body’s immune system.

News of nutritional supplements is making headlines in the media, during the emerging epidemic of the Corona virus, especially those supplements that enhance the immunity of the human body, such as vitamin D, whose deficiency causes very serious symptoms on the immune system, as some vitamins act as a booster for the immune system, but what is the best supplement? Natural can support the immune system? A question that many have been trying to answer in recent months.
Inflammation… is not a negative sign

Although the word “inflammation” frightens many, it is not considered a negative indicator. Rather, the presence of inflammation indicates the body’s emotion and its fight against viruses or any external or internal symptom that affects it.

Inflammation is a series of tissue and defensive reactions carried out by the body of the organism against any external influence (virus, infection, injury … etc.), which lead to changes in tissues and blood vessels with a degree of severity that does not reach the death of cells, and it is considered (inflammation). ), a necessity for the survival of the organism, where white blood cells are fighting a fierce fight in order to protect us from septic factors of various forms and causes.
Expert reveals the #1 supplement to fight inflammation and support the body

All medications or nutritional supplements refer to the term (anti-inflammation) to indicate that this medication provided would support the body to end the inflammatory state, that is, overcome the disease by supporting the body’s immune system.

The “eatthis” magazine, specialized in health and food, presented an article entitled (The Best Dietary Supplement to Reduce Inflammation, Nutrition Experts Say), in which nutrition experts revealed the best natural food supplement that supports the body in fighting inflammation.

The expert in the field of nutrition and registered in a number of specialized medical institutions, Trista Best, says that the body “when left in a state of inflammation, that is, in the case of an immune response, it begins to lose the appropriate response to stimuli, which leads to more inflammation.”

“If this inflammation is allowed to persist for a long time, it leads to acute and chronic diseases, impaired immune function and a general decrease in quality of life,” the expert adds.

According to the article, at this point the turmeric plant, which is part of the ginger family, plays an essential role in supporting the body and boosting the immune system.
The article states that turmeric is primarily used throughout Southeast Asia, as it contains compounds called “curcuminoids” that are known to have some very powerful and unique features.

According to Best, the human body absorbs turmeric more easily, especially since it can be used as a spice quite simply, and continues: “These compounds have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries to help prevent all diseases, from blood sugar to infections.”

The expert stresses that “turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory, and can help improve joint health and digestive problems in addition to a long list of diseases.”
The natural dye “curcumin” is the secret

“The anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin are strongly influenced by its being a potent antioxidant,” says certified nutritionist Grace Clark Hibbs.

Curcumin is a natural pigment that gives turmeric its yellow-orange or golden color, and it is one of the main components in turmeric and is a compound diaryl heptanoid.
Curcumin offers a range of health benefits

Hebes says rocumin has a strong anti-inflammatory effect due to its powerful anti-oxidant properties. “Antioxidants help neutralize harmful free radicals that form in response to environmental factors such as air pollution and radiation from the sun. When left untreated, these free radicals cause inflammation throughout the body and increase the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.”

The expert stresses that the process of using this compound (curcumin) has been the subject of extensive research as it has proven its ability to help protect against a variety of chronic diseases including cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, asthma and type 2 diabetes.

Turmeric as a pain reliever and anti-tumor

The article referred to previous studies that confirmed the validity of the experts’ claims, as a 2014 scientific study found that curcumin supplements inhibit inflammation in tumor patients.

Another study conducted in 2019, found that taking a dietary supplement of turmeric extract three times a day reduced symptoms of arthritis in 94% of patients who were tested. “It was actually just as effective as taking conventional pain relievers,” the article retracted.
Important warnings about turmeric

The article noted that the benefits of turmeric are found in green turmeric, as the powders do not provide the same effectiveness and lose many of their properties.

The article warned against taking turmeric in the form of capsules (pills), especially if a person suffers from celiac disease or is allergic to “gluten”, as some low-quality nutritional supplements contain “gluten” or “gluten”, which causes many damages to the human body. .

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