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The application “Tik Tok” dispenses with humans in removing inappropriate videos

The Chinese video application “Tik Tok” decided to dispense with human reviewers to remove any outside and inappropriate content from its platform, and in return used an automated system.

In a statement on its official website, TikTok said that in America and Canada it will begin to remove videos that contain nudity, violence, any illegal activities and actions and violations of the safety policy using automated review systems.
And when these automated systems detect any of these outgoing videos, they withdraw it from the “Tik Tok” platform immediately, and it will give its owner the opportunity to communicate with a human supervisor of the “Tik Tok” application in order to allow it to be republished again.

A spokesperson for “Tik Tok” told “The Verge” that the application was playing all the videos by human intermediaries in the United States, before it was decided to dispense with them, and replace them with automated systems.

The spokesman explained that the move was aimed at reducing the “volume of painful videos” that moderators are required to review, as well as giving them more time to review more complex clips in their content, such as those containing misinformation.

It is noteworthy that human reviewers of content at other companies such as “Facebook” developed symptoms similar to post-traumatic stress disorder, from the videos that they were asked to review.

And the “Tik Tok” application announced that it will introduce an automated video review system “in the next few weeks.”

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