Saudi Alyoom

Villagers chase a convoy of the US army with a barrage of stones in eastern Syria


Within the circle of tribal rejection of the illegal presence of the US army on the Syrian island, the people of two villages in the countryside of Qamishli confronted a US military convoy and forced it to retreat and leave their lands.

This coincided with a US helicopter landing operation in a village near the Al-Omar oil field in Deir Ezzor countryside, and kidnapped young men from it.

“Sputnik” correspondent in Al-Hasakah governorate reported that the residents of the villages (Farfara and Tal Al-Maha) (32 km southeast of Qamishli) in the northern countryside of Al-Hasakah governorate, from the Arab tribe of Al-Bunni Sabaa, confronted a convoy of American armored vehicles accompanied by a military vehicle belonging to the “SDF” organization and expelled them before they entered to their village and forced them to retreat.

A resident of the village of Farfra told Sputnik: On Tuesday afternoon (June 15), we were surprised by an attempt to enter a military convoy of the American occupation, consisting of four large armored vehicles, accompanied by a military vehicle of the “SDF” organization from the northern entrance to the village, taking advantage of the residents’ presence inside their homes as a result of the high rise Temperatures at this time.

قرويون سوريون يلاحقون رتلا للجيش الأمريكي

He continued: While the column was passing through (Al-Qamishli-Tal Hamis) road and in the vicinity of our village, the residents of the village attacked young men and women of American armored vehicles with stones and sticks, and we forced them to retreat and leave before the land of the two villages under the control of the Syrian Arab Army was desecrated.

He pointed out that “the people forced the occupation convoy to retreat and withdraw from the village after throwing stones at them, which led to material damage to a number of vehicles, after which the residents celebrated by chanting slogans glorifying the Syrian Arab Army.”

Within the same direction, and in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor, American helicopters carried out an airdrop operation in the vicinity of the city of Al-Shuhail (the stronghold of the Al-Akeedat tribe), and kidnapped a number of civilians from it.
Tribal sources told “Sputnik”: “US army helicopters carried out an airdrop operation in the vicinity of the city of Al-Shaheel, east of Deir ez-Zor, at dawn today, Wednesday, June 16, and arrested two people displaced from the town of Dhiban from the Al-Akidat tribe, without knowing the reasons.”

The sources added that, “U.S. warplanes bombed, with heavy machine guns, the river crossings that civilians use to move between the two banks of the Euphrates River, i.e. between the SDF control sites and the areas of the Syrian state, with the aim of medical, study and shopping.”

Meanwhile, the situation is still tense in the towns of Jdid Bakara and Dahleh in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, after two days of popular protests against the “Qasd militia” and the American occupation, denouncing its practices against the people, the loss of safety, the spread of chaos and the looting of crops and property, according to the sources.

The areas controlled by the “SDF” organization in eastern and northern Syria are witnessing demonstrations by the people in protest against the organization’s persistence in harassing the people, harassing and attacking them with live bullets, which caused the death and injury of dozens of them, in addition to arbitrary arrests, forced recruitment campaigns, prevention of education and science, and spreading chaos.

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