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Jessica Biel: I didn’t mean to keep my pregnancy a secret!


Jessica Biel never intended to keep her second pregnancy a secret.

The 39-year-old actress and her husband Justin Timberlake welcomed their second son, Phineas, into the world 11 months ago, and shocked fans when reports of the tot’s birth surfaced in July as neither of them had confirmed Jessica was pregnant.

And now, Jessica – who also has six-year-old son Silas with Justin – has said it “wasn’t supposed to be a secret”, but the COVID-19 pandemic meant she didn’t leave the house at all during her pregnancy, so no-one saw her baby bump.

She said: “I’m spending a lot of time at home on Zooms in my apartment. Hanging with my baby, changing diapers, doing nap time.

“I had, like, a secret COVID baby. It wasn’t like it was supposed to be a secret. It was just COVID happened, and then I went to Montana with my family and never left.”

Because of the pandemic, Jessica was initially unsure if Justin would be allowed into the delivery room when she went into labour, but feels thankful that restrictions changed just before her due date.

She added: “The hospital restrictions had just changed. And there was a moment there that there was nobody allowed at all and I was really getting nervous about that situation. But yes, he was allowed. I think if I had to be there alone, that would have been horrible. I would have been really scared.”

And now the couple have two young children, the ‘Sinner’ star has said they definitely have their hands full around the house.

Speaking to Dax Shepard on his ‘Armchair Expert’ podcast, she explained: “Someone said to me, ‘Two is like having a thousand.’ And that’s exactly what it feels like. The balance of everything is very different and super hard. But I agree. I mean, it’s amazing. It’s so interesting. It’s so funny. The conversations I’m having now with my 6-year-old is so cool. Like, he’s a real person saying the funniest stuff and he’s so sensitive and tender. It’s just so interesting to see that part of it happen and the little one is just cute as hell.”

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