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New Zealand Prime Minister: The focus of any film about the Christchurch attack should focus on the Muslim community

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has stressed that her country’s Muslim community should be the focus of any film about the bloody attacks on the two Christchurch mosques in 2019.
This came after some objected to making a film focusing on how she dealt with the terrorist attack.

Ardern’s office confirmed last week that neither her nor the government had anything to do with the film, as when asked about it at a press conference, she considered that the Muslim community, and not her, should be the focus of any film about the attack. A film is being planned called “The R Us” about the attacks by a white supremacist gunman on two mosques in New Zealand on March 15, 2019 in which 51 people were killed, describing the film as an “inspiring story” about the prime minister’s reaction. Ardern critical of violence.

“This is a very crude event for New Zealand, and even more so for the community that has suffered from it,” Ardern said. “I agree that there are stories that should be told at some point about March 15th. But they are stories from our Muslim community, so they should be at the heart of that.” …I don’t consider my story to be one of the stories to be told,” she said, noting, “However, it is not up to her to decide whether or not to proceed with the project,” while the film is based on Ardern’s words on the day of the attack.

The Hollywood Reporter noted, “The New Zealander, Andrew Nicole, will write and direct the film. It quoted him as saying that it was not so much about the attacks as it was about Ardern’s handling of them.

However, some Muslims questioned the feasibility of the project to make the film, while the wounds of the victims’ families, friends and the wider community have not yet healed, and they also questioned the plan to focus the film on the Prime Minister and not on the victims, according to “Reuters”.

Source: “Reuters”

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