Saudi Alyoom

He corresponds with them via “WhatsApp” .. Ashkenazi reveals his relationship with 7 Arab foreign ministers


Israeli Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi said that he has relations with the foreign ministers of 7 Arab countries, including countries that have no relationship with Israel, indicating that he communicates with them through the “WhatsApp” service.
Ashkenazi pointed out in a press conference that in recent months, including the period of the military operation in the Gaza Strip, he had a continuous relationship with the foreign ministers of seven Arab countries, noting that he communicates with some of them via WhatsApp on a daily basis.

Ashkenazi expected that the United States would appoint a special envoy to the Middle East, who would work to promote the “Abraham agreements” and encourage and advance normalization between Israel and the Arab world.

The Israeli foreign minister added that the US administration, Joe Biden, has not yet canceled the decisions taken by the administration of former President Donald Trump on the issue of Israel, pointing out that the new US administration is very sensitive to Trump’s agreements, such as the sale of “F35” aircraft to the UAE and the recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara. But up to this point, she respected her.

Ashkenazi pointed out that the two main challenges in the normalization process will be, first, in the “Expo Dubai” next October, in which Israel will participate in a large way, and the second in improving relations with Morocco and transforming the liaison offices in Tel Aviv and Rabat into embassies completely.

Source: Israel 24

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